ECO Shop metaphor poster ideas are class work for class ADV556. We were given task to create a metaphor poster with no specific theme given.

Below are the design that I had proposed for the task:

For the English version of the poster, I used breakfast theme for my design. The reason I choose breakfast theme is because people are often skip breakfast especially in Malaysia. I use cereal in my design to show the breakfast in the poster. the cereal is running which is equivalent to my copywriting which is " IN A RUSH? ". The running show people are rushing to work. People need a fast and easy food for breakfast, this is why i choose cereal because it is easy to eat with just an add of milk. The cereal running is the Metaphor because rather than put a person running, I put a cereal running

 For the Bahasa Melayu  version of the poster, I used saving as the theme. As this Covid-19 pandemic, people had been panic buying and had wasted on a lot of food that end up rotted because of late used. when people see this poster they will think about budget and saving. However the Metaphor is to tell them that if they purchase things in ECO Shop they can save money.


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