The 6 Elements of Design in A Poster

  In graphic design, there are sizx basic elements that are used in order to have a good design. Creating a graphic design poster can be effective in relaying a specific message to a desire audience. 

    This poster is from a movie the Devil's Puppet acted by Jim Carey, the main actor of the movie. as i observed this poster, it had used 6 elements of design that makes the this poster a good design.

The 6 elements that are use:

  1. Line: The first element use is line. The line was use to separate the tagline of the movie "EVERY EVIL HAS A PUPPET" and the name of the actors in the movie. this helps the reader to focus correctly on the poster. if the line was not there, the user will think that the tagline is quote by the actor.
  2. Shape: The second element use is shape. The shape use in this poster is the person with a tail. This person convey the icon of the devil in the movie.
  3. Size: The size of the word 'DEVIL'S' is bigger in size than the word 'PUPPET'. This help to emphasize the word devil's more as it tells the important information in the poster.
  4. Color: The main color of this poster use is red. The red present the devil itself. the color red attract attention of the people to read the poster.
  5. Value(contrast): The designer of the poster uses white and red to make a contrast so that the red color emphasis more. This help the red color to attract attention of the viewer.
  6. Texture: The texture of the poster use is a white old wall. The white old wall is use as a background. With the old white wall the personality of the devil in the poster is more attractive.


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