Creative infographic proposal

  Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing:

- Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people
- Do not gather in groups
- Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings

  Scholl's shoes combine comfort and fashion into all style, including sneakers, sandals, boots, wedges and work shoes.

  When movement control order (MCO) was condusted, Scholl had advertise a poster on the awareness of this COVID-19 pendemic. As Scholl are designed with health in mind, hence Scholl is a shoes brand that are suitable to make a PSA to make sure that people n Malaysia are aware of COVID-19. 

  Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. For Scholl's  PSA campaign, mall's escalator is chosen to symbolise 'social distancing' awareness when people ride an escalator.

IDEA: Stay Distance
CONCEPT: Social experiment "Social Distancing on Escalator"

  The escalator consist of sticker of Scholl's shoes. Each shoes sticker distance  is located one stair distance of the escalator. The reason why it is put in this distance because Malaysian mall's escalator is a bit wider than other country, so one stair distance is enough hence the shies sticker is put crossly from right then to left. The sticker are all different shoes that are availablle in Scholl's. In between the shoes,  Scholl's logo sticker are put. 

  The shoes not only represent the product but also a sticker of where people should stand to remain dstance from other people when riding an escalator. This help people to remain distance and hence been aware of the importance of social distancing.  The PSA is a 2 in 1 PSA. Scholl's not only tell people to be aware of social distancing in this COVID-19 apedemic but it also help to promote Scholl's shoes so the situation is a win-win situation.


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